Run: Interval Previous Next


11:00 AM

10 mi


5:43 mi


146.8 lb


70 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map



Cold day out so took advantage of an opportunity to jump on the treadmill at NCC while Emily was working out and get in an interval workout. Did a 10 mile continuous run on the tread with 2 mile warmup/2 mile cooldown and did 6x1200s at 5 min pace with 400 rest at 6:38 pace. Essentially, the workout portion was 6 miles at roughly 5:20 pace but it was more interval focused than it was fartlek since I was going a specific distance instead of time. 2 mile warmup in 12:30 and then started- the tread felt weird, been almost a year since the last time I was on it and just took some getting used to, outside of being boring of course. The reps weren't bad but weren't great. I would say my breathing was pretty controlled and my legs felt good for the most part- I certainly never struggled to hold the pace on any of them, it just felt more awkward at times than anything else. I had initially thought about dropping the pace as the workout went on but figured I would have a better chance at making sure I did the full workout/full 10 miles if I just stayed at 5 minute pace so thats what I did. Got bored on the cooldown so started at 6:20 pace and then ramped the speed up .1 every minute halfway through so by the end I was running 5:45 pace.

Overall good workout- got in 10 miles, a quality 6 miles in the middle in 32 minutes with 6x1200 right at 5 minute pace. Good to teach the legs how to run that pace. I'd say I'm happy with it, just felt awkward and not quite as comfortable as I thought but better than just doing an easy 10 on the roads so I'll take today as a win.
