Run: Uptempo Previous Next


7:25 AM

14.1 mi


6:27 mi


165 lb
162 bpm
182 bpm


75 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


DW medium-long with a crew from Villa Park- went out 6 miles into Wheaton and back before adding on the opposite direction on the cooldown. Initial plan was written to be 6 out easy, 8 progression down from 6:30 to sub 6, and 2 mi cooldown for 16 total. Felt decent overall heading out for not having run much this week- maintained 6:45s ish on the way out. As usual, body didn't vibe well with the limestone, felt like I was slipping a little bit more than usual. As we turned around, started getting going and cut down. Honestly aerobically felt pretty comfortable the first few miles and even though it was quite hot and humid out already, weather wasn't awful. However, the constant slipping started developing major blisters underneath my toes and my right hip flexor was really flaired by the end. Pace dropped (6:25, 6:10, 6:00, 6:05, 5:57, 5:52) with really only the 5:52 felt like I was struggling. Got dropped that mile and was more so the hip flexor than aerobic. At that point, feet were bugging me so stopped at 12 to get some water and then cooled down a painful solo 2 to finish up.

Positives: aerobically felt smooth, pace wasn't much of a challenge and legs outside of the slipping felt decent. Negatives: achilles, hip flexor were super tight after from the little slipping and had 5 blisters spread across toes on both feet from that little slipping. Need to get stronger hips so I can speed up my cadence as I'm sure thats what causes the little slipping. Still, to be able to go out and roll 14 miles after a rough week running was a nice pick-me-up. Had a good talk with Dan after and we're on the same page. Ultimately I need to find a goal that matters to me and will last. That will help build the consistency I need to actually get fit. However, until that happens, I'm going to keep having these off and on weeks. Looking to Monday to try and start building that consistency somehow.
