Run: Rape Previous Next


3:15 PM

14.6 mi


6:32 mi


15 F


10 / 10
7 / 10
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Four Lakes


Decided that from now on, Four Lakes, probably Blackwell, and any other workouts that rape your body will now carrry the designation "rape" for workout type. Plus this way, I can include it all in one and not hafta look through the workout section to see what I did, and can just look at the calendar. Overall, today was pretty rough- started off feeling good and stayed with the group on the tempo longer than last week, they finally broke right once we turned onto old college road- and after that, I faded hard, legs locked up pretty bad and i made a poor call in wearing the new shoes- the muscle on my right leg to the right of my shin locked up majorly and bothered me the rest the run (same type of thing as last year). Finished the tempo at 26:54, significantly slower than last week, but everyone was slower as well. finished right with pat and brink. 6xhills, were pretty tough, i was definetly tired but managed to gut them all out, ran with brink and kerley on these, 18:12, so slower than last week again, but again, the weather was much nicer last week, plus tired legs. These were tough, I just didn't have that other gear and got dropped on the last one. Fartlek was rough as well- haha definetly didn't have that normal pop and let brady and them go right away. On the 2nd interval, man, i hit the wall, i dont know any other way to explain it. I felt sapped of energy and just got raped by neal, sparks, and ferst, they BLEW by me. It was only for that interval though, after that I felt a little bit better, albeit super tired and that right leg was bothering me. pat caught up and me and him hit the last 3 hard. It was nice having him to work with and it helped to salvage the fartlek. We ran 23:12, again, significantly slower than last week as well. Came inside and hit the maintenance quarter in 57.53, a new pr for maintenance 400s and ran everyone down almost but nick and brady- my one condolescense for having such a shitty workout. Cooled down for 15:02, plus the inbetween the tempo and hills=14.6 miles total workout. Tempo-26:54, Hills-18:12, Fartlek-23:12, Maintennce 400-57, cooldown+inbetween-16:00. Regardless of how i felt- it was a solid workout, just to get it in. Body feels completely raped after though
