Run: Easy Previous Next


8:27 PM

5.2 mi


6:48 mi


174.5 lb
171 bpm
182 bpm


72 F


4 / 10
4 / 10
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Easy night shakeout after sleeping in this morning (struggling to get up and run, need to work on this) and got busy at work so had to push the run after work/coaches dinner. Took an edible right before haha but didn't really feel it (outside of the run seeming to really drag). Did full prehab before + ibuprofen and sombra for the first time in a while and it worked- leg was still a bit achy to start but was managable and not nearly as bad as the last few days. Sucks because it means I'll have to do this every time but at least good to know its not a stress fracture and the calf is managable.

Decent run all things considering- found a cool loop checking out the neighborhoods on the otherside of Oak. Made it a loop thats just past 5 miles so will be good for morning runs/workout stuff/ winter runs since theres no stops and really only have to deal with crossing Oak twice. Pace was dece- cut from 7:18 to 6:45 by the end, HR was fine- tired but not nearly as fatigued as the last few days. Moving in the right direction. Core after
