Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:39 PM

4.2 mi


5:31 mi


178 lb
169 bpm
179 bpm


47 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Hard tempo w/ no warmup, straight out the door before the Halloween party. Had gotten up early to do my long run at Dick Young- drove over there and it was too dark to see so drove home defeated and went back to bed...

Longer day w/ conference and running around but wanted to get something in and didn't have much time so decided to tempo. This HURT. Had not done anything hard or fast in a while and to go cold turkey into it was tough. Wore the Next %s for some pop and the weather was perfect so that was good but was gassed early and just tried to hold on one mile at a time. Thankfully by the time I got to 2, got a 2nd wind (also helps mile 3 was slighlty decline) and was able to finish. mapping out- 4.2 in 5:31 pace which is rock solid. Happy w/ the effort and deff a kick to the ass.
