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19.5 mi


6:07 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

Rock Island


Solid run, did in afternoon cause woke up with a major fever/headache, slept it off and was good to go. started off first mile just under 6, ran a good 10 in blackhawk, then cut out and did roads. Felt pretty smooth throughout, no pain in shins although a mild ache in my right foot along the bottom left inside and top right outside. Mixed in a few hills, 18th mile was 6:25, so averaged around 612ish for the first 18.5, wanted to close the last mile out as fast as i could-4:47 running the last 400 in 65. Pretty good overal run, especially happy with closing in the 4:47, although the 65 sucked in comparision to what ive done on the same street before
