Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

20.5 mi


6:12 mi


163 lb
150 bpm
169 bpm


34 F


8 / 10
7 / 10


Long run early from NCC. Went springbrook into extended modaff for the route, a little chilly out (real feel 27), sunny, and a tad windy but not nearly as bad as the last few days. Legs were OK early going- pace was chill and right achilles was starting to get tight the first 5 miles but we stopped around 6 for people to use the bathroom and I stretched and that helped. Pace gradually trickled down in the 6:20s as we were finishing the loops with a 6:05 thrown in there. As we made our way out of springbrook, most everyone turned off and it was just Steve, Dan, Zach, and me left. I took a GUE on my way out, dropping it like a nub and had to go back and get it, As we headed up Modaff, body felt pretty good so let them know I was going to pick it up and they wanted to stay right there so when they turned off to use the bathroom at Knoch, I was bymyself. Picked it up to 6flat pace and also then had to shit so stopped on the far side of knoch to use the bathroom and then got rolling. Dropped down to 5:45s the next few miles and was a in a good rhyhtm but could tell I was a bit tired. Mentally decided to go 20 so knew I was going to have to loop extra so once I got back near Charles, did the Huffman tempo loop, then ran up North and went almost all the way to Washington before coming back to school. Breathing was fine but legs just felt heavy, kind of bonked around 16.5 so eased off the pace back to 6 minute pace and stayed there for the next few miles before closing the last mile strong. All in all, 20.5 miles at 6:12 pace, ran the last 8.5 around 5:50 pace with quite a few hills thrown in so pretty solid. Deff mentally challenging the last few miles feeling like I was fighting my body a bit. Kinda weird how 5:50s were tough but 6flats felt comfortable. Either way, really solid long run
