Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

20.5 mi


5:52 mi


70 F


10 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



Alumni long run- spicy, spicy, spicy. Chilled in the back the first mile with Yonny and Brink warming up the leg. Didn't sleep well last night and was up early, so stretched out as much as I could but the hammy was pretty tight from the start. Pace was quicker (6:30s) from the start) and by the time we crossed Ogden (10 minutes in) Spain and Brady started pushing the pace down to 6 flats. I called because I thought they were joking around and it ended up being Spain, Brady, Crain, myself, Janet, Sebhat, and of all people, Yonny, who called the move. We ran together throughout the way out to Blackwell, and were hitting 5:45s-5:50s by the time we were in Herrick. By the time we got to Batavia Road, Yonny had dropped and him and Sebhat turned to go 1:30. Root caught up in Herrick and Mitch caught up right before we crossed Butterfield. Finally, Thompsen caught up on the path to Blackwell and we had our group. Got to the top of the hill in 56:00, faster than I ever have before. Hammy really tightened up on the hill and the hip flexor was flaired too so it made the rest the run kinda suck. Paced slowed down to 6flats for the next 10 minutes until on our way towards McDiz, Crain started moving and I decided fuck it, I'm going to call so I went with and we spaced the group out from that point (maybe 1:10 into the run). Probably were running 5:30s-low 5:40s the rest the way back in. Crain dropped me 10 minutes into the move because my hammy was really sore. Really happy breathing wise- I was talking and felt fine, but couldn't do much with the leg because I was limping pretty bad. Ran most of the rest of the way by myself until Brady caught right before we turned onto the River path to come in. Finished at school in 1:47 for 18.5 (5:45 pace), about 18 minutes quicker than we normally do that route haha. Was going to call it but really wanted to hit 2 hours so jogged a 13 min cooldown with Crain, Brady, Janet, and Root to make it 2 hours. Overall, super spicy long run, the second fastest one I've ever gone. Glad that I handled the pace so well, especially seeing as it was only my 2nd two hour long run of the summer haha. Glad to see some of the guys on the team like Janet and Thompsen man up and come with. Really happy with the direction of this team and can't wait to be back for preseason. As long as I can get healthy, I really feel like this is gonna be a special year.

Sleep: 5 hours
