Run: Long Previous Next


3:30 AM

19 mi


6:19 mi


148 lb


55 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



Solid long run today by myself- passed up on the workout because of the lack of sleep the last few nights and didn't wanna risk draining my body- actually went really well. Went out through Mcdiz out to Blackwell (was only going to go 1:30 but decided during the middle of the run might as well go 2 hours). Legs a bit laggy, makes sense from the weekend but got better as the run went on. Got to the top of the hill in 1:06, came back down and came back towards and through Herrick. Pace picked up a bit on the way back but felt comfortable- as I came out of Herrick, did 8x2 on/1 off for the rest the run and actually felt pretty smooth and strong. Made it from the entrance of Herrick all the way back to school (down columbia to prairie and then over to school) in 20 minutes so was moving pretty well- jumped on the track for the last rep, kept it the same pace and split 73 so I must've been moving decently well on the fast parts. Overall, just what i needed- first long run in a few weeks to get back to the grind, plus a nice mini-workout to open the legs up for Wednesday's hard workout.

Sleep: 4.5 hours Weight: 148
