Run: Long Previous Next


7:00 AM

19.5 mi


6:48 mi


161 lb
149 bpm
171 bpm


75 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


Long run out at Waterfall Glen with the DW group. Warm and humid but not terrible, especially because most of it was shaded. Real feel in the 80s but really only felt the heat in the exposed areas/ last 5 miles. Solid group of myself, Pete, Damon, Cam for the first loop, and Dan K. Kept the pace chill and just focused on it being a TOF long run. Really didn't notice the rolling hills throughout so that was good. Only problem with a route like this is you know generally exactly where you're at mileage wise so trying to turn off the brain and zone out was a bit of a challenge but did a good job just staying easy and not looking at my watch the whole time. Some achilles tightness/right high hammy tightness on the 2nd loop but not terrible, just something to watch out for and take care of moving forward. Good long run overall, after the week I've had, feels good to at least get something productive in and continue to acclimate to this weather.
