Run: Fartlek Previous Next


4:33 PM

10.2 mi


6:22 mi


167 lb
154 bpm
168 bpm


39 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

Whalen Lake


Ran after work w/ Jake Mac, Zachdiz, and Thompsen from Knoch Knolls. Went out and back on the trail from Knoch to Whalon Lake, did a loop, then continued on the limestone till we got to the backend of Green Valley and then came back. Nice weather out- I was drastically overdressed for the run which sucked, had to strip hat/gloves and roll up the sleeves and even then was a sweaty mess by the end. Pace was pretty steady which felt a tad tougher the first few miles but settled in well and legs actually felt much better than the last few days. Rolled 6:20s-30s most of the way and then fartlekked the last 2 miles doing 6x1 on/1 off. Legs felt a bit weird moving fast and breathing was a bit elevated but was able to stay smooth and move pretty quickly. Hit 445-5:05 on most of the ons and was into a bit of a wind so was happy with that. Good to get some mileage in (10.15 total) and get the legs moving, plus good to have some company. Keeping the momentum moving forward.
