Run: Long Previous Next


6:49 AM

18.3 mi


6:35 mi


176 lb
157 bpm
184 bpm


30 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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2 hour long run with the NCC guys and Zach. Intention had been to only go 90 (haven't gone 2 hours since June). Team started off super slow so I was up front. Did a few 30 sec pickups the first 3 miles with Connor and Tuna explaining the concept (and as a way to go faster tbh). Settled into 7 flats by then and felt decent. Had a decent group and decided after we were heading out to Whalon (around the 45 min mark) I felt decent enough so might as well go the full 2. Did the Whalon loop and took the backway into Green Valley but thought that full way back would be long so came back via Hobson. Pace started to drop down and I started to feel it a bit as we got into the 6:30s-40s. Felt fine through 80 min and after that, right hammy started tightening up. Ran most of the rest of the way yo-yo'ing off of the group but mainly solo> Still solid cutdown- last 4 miles were around 6:15s and last mile was sub 6. Really solid effort- honestly, aerobically not a major issue to do 2 hours, no gel, and solid cutdown. Right hammy/right calf was definitely a bit tight but fine otherwise. Full arm lifting after.
