Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:40 PM

10 mi


5:36 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Decided to flip-flop workout days and work out tonight instead of tomorrow morning since it was supposed to be cold and since I put off my run until tonight and going to be on the tread anyways, figured I'd get in a more quality workout. Did a 10 mile consecutive run with 2 mile warmup in 12:30, 6 mile tempo at 5:10 pace (31flat for 6) and 2 mile cooldown in 12:30. Overall, I'd have to say it went well. Energy levels and breathing were far better than Monday, the warmup felt nice and smooth and went right into the tempo. The tempo was interesting- it was challenging but wasn't at the same time. I never was dying or tying up although my stride did get longer as it went on, it was more so keeping my mind engaged since the tread is so boring and even with music, its tough to engage for 30+ minutes during a workout. Kept at 5:10s the whole time though and raced Bix mentally in my head to get through the last few miles. Being able to go 6 miles at 5:10 pace is solid though, especially because I deff think I could've gone another mile or 2 at the same pace no issue (as long as I could engage my mind). Leg wise it was good at least- mind wise, super tough workout. Overall, solid 10 though and a good workout to practice even pacing a tempo. Calves deff sore after though so I'll have to be smart about that, thankfully though, no hiccups with the right calf injury so thats solid.



Getting in solid work. The fitness grows..

Tim Hird

Haha trying at least. One day at a time