Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

19.3 mi


6:14 mi


50 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map



Great long run- legs felt great from the start, completely recovered from yesterday and even a bit bouncy. Part of it had to be the weather, but still- a little suprising that my legs felt so tired during the race yet so good today- maybe I should start doing an uptempo run the day before meets to make my legs feel better? Anyways, went out to Blackwell. I picked up the pace for about 8 minutes in Herrick so I could use the restroom, then catch up to the group-legs responded well, sub 6 felt way more comfortable than the 6:30s or whatever we were running. Ended up staying on the prarie path instead of going to blackwell because neal being an idiot (and he didn't end up doing 2 hours, stupid shit). Went out 1:04, then came back. After the 1:30 guys turned off, pace dropped down to probably 6:20s but it felt so smooth and solid, we were talking and joking around. Just after we crossed over Diehl, i hit 1:30 so i left the group and dropped it down to 5:5xs and it felt great, better than before, breathing, legs, everything. Came back on eagle all the way to the river, came back to the shcool and added on duck. Finished the 2 hours feeling fresh, not sore at all, solid long run
