Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

19 mi


6:19 mi


150 lb


75 F


5 / 10
5 / 10


Didn't get a chance to long run this weekend and in an attempt to get a jump on mileage this week, did 2 hours early this morning before the trek up to Naperville for work and class. Up and out the door by 6:30, ran to Augie, then to Alleman, then to the Slough, and from there, took the bikepath all the way through Rock Island to Sunset Marina. Jumped on the road and took it all the way up to Watch Hill and finally got to blackhawk around 1:15. Did 3 full otuside loops in there and came back home. Legs felt tight early and various parts (left mid-foot, right hip flexor) were tight throughout but otherwise, no issue. First 2 hours of the summer and it went much easier than expected- a bit boring, but never felt tired or like I was struggling. Last 7 or 8 was probably 6:10s and under without really picking it up so that was solid. Good start to the week.

Sleep: 6 hours

Weight: 150
