Run: Long Previous Next


9:05 AM

19 mi


6:17 mi


165 lb
156 bpm
177 bpm


39 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


2 loop long run (19 miles) at WFG. Cooler out and a tad windy (real feel around 35). Wore shorts, t, and armsleeves and was comfortable enough. Started the first loop easy/steady with Webs and kept it nice and smooth. Took a good 30 minutes to stretch/roll out and prep before the run and it showed, legs felt actually fine out of the gate. Wore the 890s. Ran into Nolan on his cooldown and finished up loop 1 with them keeping it mainly 650s-7 min pace. Picked it up to steady-tempo pace the 2nd loop and kept it there over the hills. Deff a really tough loop between the hills, high hammy tightness, and just the longest run I've done in a few months. Took it one mile at a time, focused on my breathing and staying smooth and had a pretty good tempo going through the first 5. The last 4 were rough as you start climbing more and I was just super butt hurt. The hills would throw my breathing into anaerobic and was tough to muscle up the hills with the insertion points not working properly. Still, was able to maintain and not fall off too much and ended up PRing on Strava on the 2nd loop (54:35- 5:50 pace). 5:50 pace in the backhalf of a 19 miler over 350 ft of hills is pretty solid, especially with being so butthurt the last few miles. I'll take today as a big win, confidence booster, and also a big message that if I can really work out the kinks and tightness/weaknesses I can really roll this summer.
