Run: Long Previous Next


6:33 AM

19.3 mi


6:16 mi


165 lb
155 bpm
183 bpm


56 F


8 / 10


Final major marathon prep workout: 19+ miler from NCC in the Next %s cutting down to marathon pace the last 10 miles. Goal had been to originally break up the run into easy 10, switch shoes, tempo last 10 in the next %s practicing bottles but emily and myself both forgot to get the Maurten drink mix at work the day before so axed that plan. Wanted company on the run so decided to just wear the Next %s from the start so I wouldn't have to turn around 5 miles in and run the next 15 solo. Also forgot to bring the gels with that I packed in my bookbag so the run turned into a depletion run with no gels or water. A bit stupid on my part but wasn't going to let it affect me and we used to do long runs all the time without so figured it shouldn't mentally affect me.

Went the Whalen Lake/Green Valley route with the NCC guys that they like going. Started off really chill (7:55 first mile) and gradually cut down steadily from 7:10 2nd mile to 6:30s by mile 8. Stopped for 5 minutes around mile 6 for them to go the bathroom and then no stops the rest of the way. Alec had started to pick the pace up a bit around mile 8 and I was fine going with as we crept down to 6:15 9th mile. I was going to tempo till 10 but we basically were already there so just went with it. Miles 10-19 ended up all being sub 6, (roughly 5:55, 5:50/5:50 both uphill for the first 3, then the last 7 were all between 5:38-5:45). Licari came with us for a bit but stopped at the bathroom at Green Valley around mile 12 so just Alec and I the rest the way. Was very happy to have company, was not expecting it, and helped keep things smooth and steady the rest the way. Body handled it relatively fine- right hip tightness again and definitely something I'm going to have to get fixed before the marathon. Pace wise, felt like I was handling it well and even though the effort was taxing, definitely felt I could ramp up the pace harder for a short period or have kept going a few more miles at the end. Overall, our last 10 were right around 5:45 average and I feel pretty good about it knowing come the marathon I should be a bit looser, fresher, and get the benefit of nutrition. Very helpful checkpoint to see where I was at, test out the shoes, test out the gear (wore the clothing I thought I would wear, need more anti-chafe in places) so good dry run!
