Run: Long Previous Next


14.7 mi


6:48 mi

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<No name>


Long run a day early. With Frintner, Cobert, and Jared. Them and Megans McGreal and Mocogni came to my neck of the woods: Waterfall Glen. Showed up a little early and wasnt sure how far everyone else was gonna go, so I went out for a quick mile+ before starting up with the crew. Finished up the loop and back tracked about 1.75 reverse loop and back in to to the start for 14.5. Averaged around 6:45 or so for the whole thing, so that was pretty great considering the workout yesterday. Good to have some nice company during the long run. Gonna be rough the next few weeks. Blueberry hill afterwards for breakfast was nice. Good to sit around and talk with the teammates. Wont see a lot of them till school. Probably wont see cobert again (until he comes back to visit). Glad we got to meet up and get in an awesome run.
