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4:00 PM

1.5 mi

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<No name>


Im not supposed to run until Wednesday. That was what I told myself I would do, anyway. Decided it wasnt the worst thing in the world to jog over to practice. Felt fine on the jog in. Then I ran to the Arc. Then after dicking around in the arc for a while, i ran back to the armory and home with jared.

Foot is a little sore now, but thats fine. I'll stay off it again tomorrow and then be fine on Thursday.

Spent some time stretching my hips/groin/hamstrings today. I am already much more flexible than a week ago. Thats pretty awesome. I'll keep doing this so im nice and mobilized for steeple!

EDIT: Gotta say there are some pretty phenomenal new logs (*cough Leah & Riley *cough). I feel like I need to step up my game.


Alex Shirley

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