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0.8 mi


10:00 mi

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river walk


2 sets w/ band

Part-time stretching... nerve glides...

PT, did Spinal therapy-- really interesting! I'm so full of anxiety about it all

Knees-- feel a little better right now, kind of released, bothered me in the morning when running, less now

Shoulder-- No pain, no bother at all. total 0. but didn't really test it. Still!

Arms-- On and off better, worse. Still overall feel better than two weeks ago by a million miles. But right after pt they hurt. right before dinner. now, fine

Groin--- didn't notice as much today, again, didn't really test it, but the slow dull ache is less

voice-- only bad after 90 min chat w/ kali

Pinky-- slightly better after PT, more mobile. still slow, dull ache right between ring finger and pinky.

I am willing to believe that I will heal completely and be able to do everything I love with joy and delight.
