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1.1 mi


8:57 mi

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Shoulder-- totally fine until about 8:00 min, then some slight discomfort (1)

Knees- Left knee totally fine! Right knee, some discomfort at insertion of patellar tendon to shin, about a (2). Way better than yesterday!

Hamstring-- still tight, a little better than yesterday... tried soft melt ball massage, for less time-- unclear if it makes it better or worse. Did only one set of stability ball exercises because it seemed to aggravate it. Tried doing some dynamic hip stretches during my run.... overall this is bothering me the most of everything right now (3)

Pinky-- Feels way way better! Even tried some guitar last night (just simple chords, no scales, and it seemed totally fine. Now will try more guitar-- perhaps ultrasound really helps

Arms---- still pretty good... some slight discomfort, maybe a litttle looser (1-2)

Voice-- Way better! Feeling more confident talking and singing

2 sets of band exercies. .. marked resistance level. Did 10 reps on second set, and it was challenging

Full stretches--- gets a little boring, maybe need more structure...

Massage roller-- tried to get glutes, hip flexors too

Doing well with this level of challenge, maybe time to up it a little---- pinky and hamstring limiting factors right now

did 2 sets of 15 reps on slant board, no weight, and no pain! Way less than I was doing before but its improvement
