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5:00 AM

9.4 mi


7:04 mi


187 lb


55 F
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5am met with Rufus, Frank & Randy for 10 miles at MP goal pace of 712. went well, felt really good. around mile 3 frank took off, i ran that mile in 645 and they were disappearing in front of me, they came back and then again, this time rufus, took off around mile 7 he probably went 615 that mile, i did 702 so they were gone but i stuck to my plan of being around race pace, rufus came back and ran the last 2 miles with me, i ended up short on the course, avg pace 640 over last mile and a half, feel great after the run, feel like i could run 10 (or 9.4) miles every day, BUT i do have a blister on my foot that appeared last week, just in time to annoy me at the marathon, didnt both me on the run but i feel it now ugh!. i joked with the guys afterwards that they all planned to test my mental resolve today about sticking close to goal pace since like most people i have gone out too fast and ruined a chance at a PR in a race before. my mantra this week is something my wife first said to me, "i have heard 100s of stories from people who went out too fast at a marathon, i have yet to hear anyone talk about how they went out too slow"
