Run: Race Previous Next


8:30 AM

10 km


7:54 mi


179 lb
181 bpm
191 bpm


77 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

43 / 154 (27.9%)
4 / 13 (30.8%)


Mile 1 seemed effortless and fought hard to keep my pace around 7:45.

Mile 2 slowed a bit and I realized that this was going to be work.

Mile 3 took some water and was having to push to keep under 8:00/pace - HR was pushing 185.

Mile 4 the monkey jumped on my back - wanted it to end.

Mile 5 had a slight uphill and my first split over 8:00

Mile 6 was a bit better and I was fighting to catch a guy then turned into a headwind

Last .22 was on the track and did my best to kick home - sub 7 pace for this bit.

HR stayed steady at 185 (as high as I seem to be able to maintain for a ~50 minute effort). With more focused 10K training I know I can go sub 48. The weather was warm and certainly hurt the pace.

43rd overall and a PR by 18 sec (49:04).
