Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:25 AM

3.7 mi


5:29 mi

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<No name>


20 minute tempo on the bike path at Gulf Shores. Started as a good crew for 10 minutes. First mile was 5:33. Right after Andre turned around Brett, Mark, and I put in a bit of a surge which caused almost everyone else to drop. 2nd mile was 5:26 and felt like I was on cruise control. Got to a turn around about 15 minutes in. Mark fell off 1 minute after that with about a 5:30 mile (included the turn around, so probably around 5:28 actually). Brett and I finished together for the last .65. Brett helped me the last 3 minutes because I was starting to feel it a bit and he just kept me locked on this hip. Besides the last 3 minutes, everything else felt smooth and good. Good workout and a good start to the week.
