Run: Hill Previous Next


4:45 PM

2.6 mi


5:47 mi

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<No name>


15 minutes of tower hill today. Even though I was pretty far back today, I felt like I still ran a solid workout. I obviously wanted to be farther up, but I am content with the effort. This was the closest I have ever been to Wicki (after the 4th loop I realized I was still only about 150 meters behind him). I also still had energy at the end to surge up the hill and do the surge at the bottom of the loop. I stayed strong the whole workout. This went a lot better than any tower hill workout from last year. I was only really getting beat on the hill though. I think Spitzer was right when he said I just need to more strength. Aerobically I am in great shape right now, but I still need to get stronger. I have not done a true hill workout in a month. I believe each tower hill workout will improve as I get that strength. Good effort and not a bad starting point for this workout. It was really humid, but the team seemed to handle it well. I covered about 6.5 loops, each loop is roughly .4 miles. Lifted after cool down.
