Run: Fartlek Previous Next


6:48 AM

6.9 mi


5:48 mi

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<No name>


Tempo/fartlek workout. Only a few days removed from the race, I didn't want to do anything too intense. I figured a longer fartlek based on feel was a good way to go. Fartlek was 10-8-6-4-2 w/2 minutes in between each interval. Goal was to start at threshold and just work down to whatever paces felt good. Did this on the 1.2 mile loop. I'm not sure if it was the perfect weather or the fact that I'm starting to peak but I felt great! This workout went super well. I started around low-5:30s for the 10 minute segment and progressed down to 5 minute pace by the two minute segment. I felt strong and in control the whole time. I ran 5 full 1.2 mile loops, 1 .52 loop and an additional .375 on the end for 6.9 total.
