Run: Long Previous Next


7:20 AM

15 mi


6:38 mi

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<No name>


Long run today with a second half pick up. I was not feeling that great as my legs were still sore from the 1200s on thursday. As we went on though my legs were starting to loosen up, so i thought they would be fine by the 20 minute pick up mark. Steen then told us to do a gradual second half pick up, so i went up with Alekh, Bushie, and Brendan, but i could tell my legs were not there. So we let Alekh go, and Brendan went a little ahead of Bushie and I. Eventually it just became me as Bushie dropped off because he was feeling worse then me. I was 10-15 secs behind Brendan, as i let him go because he was feeling much better then me. Alekh was about 1:00 in front of us. It felt like i was running 6:00 pace the whole way back. but time wise says i ran about 5:45 pace the whole way back so i was happy about that. Just a good m-pace all the way back, really felt like i ran my own workout, so i was content with that. I will do the easy shake out tonight, then probably 4-5 tommorow to make sure my legs are fully recovered, then im off to Michigan for 8 days. The route was nice too as Mr. Hartner got us to the prarie path and it went by very fast.
