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8:00 AM

5 km


5:27 mi

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<No name>


TOOSTTT. Wanted to be about 10 seconds faster. Even though I was planning on using this as a workout, I never got in the mental mindset of a workout. This just became more of a fun run. I went out in 5:14 which was a little quicker than I wanted to and really just cruised from there. Could have very easily given a bit more of an effort to run my goal of 16:45. I was going about 80% physically and 0% mentally. Splits were 5:14-5:34 (I'm pretty sure this was long as usual)-6:07 for last 1.125 (5:25 pace roughly). I know I have only been running for 1.5 weeks and it's the Turkey Trot, but I don't want to accept mediocrity. If I am going to run this was a workout I need to mentally commit to it too. I just never went out of my comfort zone. When people passed me I had no desire to latch on and pick up my pace which I could have very easily done. Down year competition wise at the Trot though as I finished 19th overall and the winning time was only 15:20. Somehow got 2nd in my age group, so I won a water bottle. Fun to see people and catch up like usual.
