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7:20 AM

6.2 mi


6:31 mi

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<No name>


Brisk and strides today. This was everything outside of the strides and jog recoveries on the track. Was originally intending to just do a distance run but my legs felt pretty sluggish early on so I called an audible and wanted to get the legs moving a bit. Settled on 10 minutes of brisk and then some 150s on the track. Brisk felt good. It was again warmer out this morning. Covered 1.7 miles in the 10 minutes which is a 5:53 average so overall a good brisk at marathon pace. Weirdly, in the run between the end of the brisk and the start of the strides, my left hip tightened up. I had to stop and stretch it for a bit. First time I could ever remember that happening. Will have to monitor and make sure it doesn't become a reoccurring thing.
