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2:30 PM

1500 m


5:06 mi

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<No name>


first outdoor race in a lonnnng time

my shins and calves were really hurting and my stomach a little upset (looking back I think it was more nerves), my shins hurt to the touch so I started panicking and crying to Matt who as usual told me to stop being a baby and that it was in my head

I was very squished on the line and freaked out at start and went out a little quick 71 first lap and then tanked the second lap (was 2:28 ish at the 800) led until like 650 m to go when two MIT girls blew by....didn't respond quick and a gap formed and I couldn't make up the last 200 I started moving and closing the gap a little but wasn't enough (they were 4.5 sec ahead at the finish)

Goal was to aim for 4:40 and fell a little short of that but I think if I felt better and didn't get in my head it could be a little faster...not a bad day
