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7:30 AM

9.3 mi


6:25 mi


45 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Didn't run the last two days, for the oddest reason. I went to bed at about normal time on Tuesday night, but then for some reason woke up for like a half hour in the middle of the night, and then woke up in the morning feeling horribly exhausted. I even got up and dressed for a run, and then felt so awful and that crawled back into bed to sleep for another hour before work. Still didn't help. and I didn't perk up until into the afternoon, with the help of some coffee. No idea what that was about, but then felt (mostly) better yesterday. Still a bit tired, so I decided to sleep in in the morning, and then (annoyingly) didn't get myself out for a run in the evening. But today was better, and the run felt alright.
