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8:00 PM

5.7 mi


6:52 mi


7 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


I was forced to go out this evening later than I like because of the weekly RA meeting, but I got myself out the door to do a shortish run (since I didn't want to take the day off, planning on doing a track workout tomorrow and not liking to do workouts after days off). I ran along the lake to Gavi, then up to the UN, kept going to Appia and took that across until it T'ed, took a left onto Moillebeau, then took that until it T'ed with Pestalozzi and took another left, and then followed that down to Cornavin. Then went right and over to Voltaire, down to Stand, and then back home along the water. It was a nice loop, with a good hill, and I didn't push much, though generally I felt strong (except a little tired after yesterday's long and fast).

The only really faster part tonight was on the hill from Gavi to the UN. As I turned from Gavi onto the hill I fell in behind this kid (roughly my age) going at a good clip, so I was catching him very slowly. I put in a surge to get him and did pass him, but then he stuck on my shoulder. After a bit I put in another surge, but he hung on, so we did that hill very fast together. Fortunately, he turned off at the UN while I continued up to Appia.
