Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:00 PM

9 mi


50 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



Today was the Plansky Workout, which despite being a lot of hype and not a real workout was really cool and very interesting. We did a silent warm up to the cemetery near Mission where we saw his grave and a few words were said. We then continued to the room in Chandler with his photograph were more was said about him, and then upon returning to the track Pete said a little about his experience with him and then gave us the workout which was: 4 quarters at 80-82. The one challenge: we had to do it without a watch. My group nailed the times which was good and on the last we even did it as 48-32 (per 200m) and still made it. Afterwards, we did progressive runs ending at a tempo for about 20 minutes, and I had a good group of me, Brandon, the Gaidus's, and Chris Cogswell. The tempo felt good and I enjoyed it, though unfortunately my stomach was hurting for most of the run.
