Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:00 PM

9.6 mi


5:55 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

Gavi XII


Got myself out for a good tempo this afternoon, and it went really well. I did 35 minutes, covering 6.15 miles (average 5:42), which I'm quite pleased with considering the hills on the route. Further, I did the first 4.5 miles at about 5:38 pace, which means that the remainder of the tempo (which was almost entirely uphill) didn't slow me down too much. I also wasn't pressing this too much, focusing more on a steady state than a true, brutal tempo, and I'm still quite happy with the pace. Further, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no pain or irritation anywhere, which was great to see. All in all a great run today, despite the low motivation as I was getting ready for it.
