Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:00 PM

8 mi


6:38 mi


72 F


9 / 10
9 / 10


Did my first short workout today and it was tough but it went pretty well. I did about 2 miles of warm up down Rt. 43 and then started my tempo which I held for 10 minutes until I got to the bottom of Scott Hill. I went "easy" (it was still tough, just not as fast) up that and when I reached the beginning of Stone Hill Rd. I picked it up again for another 10 min of tempo. After that I took it easy and just finished out the run. The tempo was really tough especially toward the end and I was hurting, but I finished and it wen pretty well so I'm pleased. It was longer than I had wanted, as I had hoped it would be 7 rather than 8, but it felt fine and the foot was good so it was alright.
