Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:03 PM

8.1 mi


6:19 mi


153 bpm
174 bpm



7 / 10
7 / 10
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Double-ladder fartlek: 1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 min pieces, equal recovery after each

Great workout this evening. Wanted something that balanced a bit of speed and sustained effort, and enjoyed going back to this one for the first time this cycle. Paces were really strong, and I was pushing the efforts while feeling strong throughout -- no major fatigue or flagging even on the later pieces. Particularly on the 2- and 3-min pieces I also tried to focus on finding ways to feel relaxed even while moving more quickly. Think I found some of this, but will definitely take more time to fully bring what feels "comfy" to quicker paces. Felt good coming out of this.
