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28.5 mi


9:25 mi

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<No name>


started with the intetion of running to lynn woods but it was a total mud pit so I just ran around other parts of lynn for about 9 miles after about of 1/4 mile of deep mud almost loosing my shoes... stopped at hte gym and grabbed cheetos and water, ate some and took off again

trying to use hand held iwth the strap that i emailed hated during the tesla hertz run, but I am hoping with more practice I can handle it since it is slightly larger (10 oz vs 7 i believe) and I may want it in warmer weather

took cheetos iwth me on the road and continued to snakc on the way home (about 13 miles)

did 6 mile local cambrdige loop after a quick stop for more water at home and some shot blocks which I only at a few of

overall very happy with this and pretty surprised at the pace... was definitley tired at the end but more mentally than anything and abdomen felt fine
