Run: Long Previous Next


8:50 AM

10.5 mi


11:49 mi


52 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

Jug Bay


Bullet the Blue Sky...

Another gorgeous Sunday morning long run...Temps in the low 50s to start with a warm up to about 60 degrees by the finish...

A little sleepy today so the run was mostly casual...did pick up the pace for the second half including a near race-pace mile...

Ran a couple of miles on wooded trail yellow-blue-orange then hit Merkle for a large filed loop and up to Fenno Road...hit the blue trail on the way back around Merkle HQ...

No aches or pains to report; legs a bit heavy...

Enjoyed the scenery more than usual...

Wildlife: Scrambling squirrels, Horseback Rider; deer; blue heron in flight over the river; Saw two geese (same two as on Friday?) at the end of the catfish pond trail; there I also say a big diamondback turtle dive into the pond; came close to stepping on a black snake headed up Goose Music Hill; saw another hedgehog;saw a large cargo plane overhead and four fighter planes later on; several turkey buzzards in the camp area as I was finishing...several other runners and hikers out today...

Random Notes: Planning to hit 140 miles in May...Getting back on track for chasing 1500 miles...Considering future race plans...

Recovery: Icehouse Edge Tall Boy...

1554c...felt good...
