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4:14 PM

10 mi


9:54 mi


72 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

Jug Bay


Drying Out Ten Miler...

After three days of heavy rains the park and trails are water-logged...Large pond has formed in the parking area...

In a good mood for some Friday-afternoon-after work-get-the-weekend-started trail running...

Conditions were a mix of sun and clouds blocking the sunshine every once in a while; mild temperature in the low 70s with a breeze...

Mostly avoided the wooded trails today and ran out to Merkle for the big field loop...

Ran easy the first half; splits all over 10min/miles...then picked it for some fast tempo running...beat my goal 100 minutes of running...No aches and pains to report except for a brief stretch where my left hammie was tightening up...

Wildlife: Good variety today...a couple of deer, a hedgehog, a small fox diving into its den, spotted an osprey sitting on a nest stand out in the river, and surprisingly saw two lone geese in one of the farm fields...either they are stragglers or just love Jug so much they don't want to head south!

Also saw a large group of students from Garrett College out on a nature study...

What an enjoyable run!

Recovery: Icehouse Edge Tall Boy...

1596c...felt good...
