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today was mostly a fast float kind of day. Diemer's instructions on the calendar were "fast but no strain." Definitely the speediest workout I have done yet this year. We split into speedy and persistent for today, which we hadn't done yet this year. Tyler and I went speedy, but sounds like Jon was having no problem with the longer distance workout today so that's also good. Workout was 600 400 400 300 200 with 400 rest after the first couple then 500 rest just to get the distance all good for the shorter intervals.

600- 1:37

400- 63

400- 64

300- 44

200- 28

We were pretty much getting full recovery on these so I would say this is pretty much a pure speed day. It was harder at the start and then got easier. We opened in a 30 first lap on the 600 and I felt it lol. Body calmed down from there and my calf, while I could feel it at times, was not a problem. Hit all the splits after the 600 without much of a problem.
