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18 mi

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<No name>


Total average pace for this was 6:36. Started off at 7:40 and stayed under 7:00 the rest of the run. I felt pretty decent, but I also kept telling myself that I would and that it was going well so that always helps. I had the expectation of coming in and having a good effort today, so that was good too. Only Ty Addy and I ran 18 (Noah did on Sunday because he has work) but once we turned around we immediately stared running 6:20s then 6:10s and we stopped where we before the run had dropped some waterbottles/gatorade/fruit snacks as sort of a fueling station lol with four miles to go. My legs had been feeling a little gassed before that stop but afterwards they just started moving a little quicker on their own so I decided to go for it a little and I dropped a 5:57 then 5:46 before my legs were toast and Ty and Addy who had been gradually picking it up behind me came back and caught up to me. We finished together still holding like 6:40-6:30 I think. Overall really good run. Definitely one which wiped me out but is gonna make me stronger in the future. Also shout out the McWains for some good fruit bacon and pancakes afterwards.
