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4 mi

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<No name>


Wild times today. Another quicker guy workout I guess. 800 @ T, 45s R, 5x400m @ mile 2min R, 600m @ CV 90s R, 300m fast 4min R, 200m fast 3min R, 100m fast. I am getting more accustomed to these kinds of workouts I think. It's funny because I thought about how at Calvin we just always ran really fast with low rest, but actually we rarely ran mile pace or faster lol. Like we just did everything at 3k or 5k pace. So, I think that is part of the challenge for me having little familiarity with these paces. Anyhow, the splits:

800- 2:38

400 #1- 66

#2- 65

#3- 64

#4- 64

#5- 65

600- 1:52

300- 45

200- 29

100- 13ish

Overall, happy with today. I should have gone faster on my 300 and the first 400. Also the last 400 I didn't run through the line so that would've been a 64 then too. Small mistakes but something to improve upon.



Nice workout man!

Caleb Ferguson

Thanks! Looks like your 2021 training is off to a solid start so far!


Indeed! Just trying to be ready for whenever open races start to be a thing again.