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18 mi


6:44 mi

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<No name>


Went just barely over 2 hours on accident on this one. Felt really good. I wonder sometimes if my body is more built for longer stuff because these runs often just feel so easy like I could go forever at this pace. Probably not, I think its just because of how many miles I have run that I just have a lot of strength to go for a long time. Anyway, ran the first 10 with Josh and Ethan, stopped to poop and drop Josh off at his apartment and Ethan and I went out to finish the 18. Really enjoyed Ethan's company and getting to know him better. I think doing a long run with someone is maybe the best way to get to know another runner because it is just you two for a long time, and usually its not overly taxing to the point where you can't be conversational the whole time.
