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16.5 mi

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Really really awesome long run. I was super happy with how this went. I started out feeling ok but not great or anything. I was just building into it and by the time we got to the turn around Addy and Micah and I were going almost 6:00 pace. Once we turned Micah decided to keep it closer to 6:30 I think and Addy and I kept at it for a bit. I gapped him a little on mile 10 and then held that for a bit. He closed back in on me and I could feel him trying to catch me, which obviously is fine but I decided not to make it too easy on him lol. By the time it was done I averaged well under 6:00 for the back half and had a couple miles in the 5:40s. I definitely worked for it at times but it was never straining or anything dumb. Just hard work on a day where my body cooperated decently well. Big confidence booster, because If I can do that on that day, I know I can do so much more when it matters and I have a few workouts under my belt. I need 4:50 pace in workouts to feel like a breeze and that's when I'll know for sure I can run a qualifying time for indoor. I think its very doable, but all in good time. Today was a big positive.
