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4 mi

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<No name>


800m @ T, 14x200m @ mile. Meh workout. I had the range of 14-16 but I ran out of time so I stopped at 14. I don't really want to be running rn. These were 31,32,33 with only 2 33s and like 3 31s.



Personal opinion, not at all financial advice: Do what excites you for the next couple weeks, don't worry about fitness, youve proved that you are in solid shape. If youre not having fun with it, then why? What can you do to enjoy it? I definitely ran into this issue last year around this time. Longevity in sport is enjoyment of sport. you gotta love what you do. Thats what I learned. For me, it was a week off of running, followed by planning out a way to get a 5k in that I was proud of.

Caleb Ferguson

Yeah, the problem is it is not really about running right now. It's other circumstances making everything feel like a chore.


Ah I feel that