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16 mi

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<No name>


Felt pretty decent. We ran at a new place today which was cool. It was part of the White Pine trail, but we started from a different place than we have previously on that trail. I felt good energy and legs were decent at the start, but had to get warmed up for sure. Once we got half way Jon and Addy and Micah had stopped to go to the bathroom and everyone else besides Tyler and I from the pack that wasn't starting as fast had turned around so we got to run with them for the rest of the time which was a lot of fun because I don't always get to run with those guys on long runs because they start off faster than I want to. Came back running between 6:40-6:20 so we kept it chill. Legs started to fatigue a decent amount with a couple miles to go but that makes sense I think given the race the day before and the not great sleep.
