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15 mi

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<No name>


First real long run in a long time. Ran this at Egypt Valley with Jason. I didn't feel great but I didn't feel that bad either, except for my knee which has been bugging me a little the past few days but was really bad for parts of the run today. I think it was just because of how I slept on it and running really slow on a hard surface for a long time yesterday. Anyway, I actually had a really good week overall (despite not doing the hills I was supposed to do because of my knee). It wasn't anything amazing training-wise but I just have been struggling with motivation and stuff so it was great to start to feel more like myself at the end of this week. I have been nervous about going back to Decatur in the fall if I don't feel like myself again before I get there, but this week has made me excited about running and life a little more so I am hopeful that continues. I am also taking steps to try and make that continue, like capitalizing on feeling good and establishing better routines.
