Bike: Race Previous Next


10:30 AM

13.2 mi


20.75 mi / hr


150 lb
  • Map

<No name>


White mtn tri bike 13.2 miles. This was interesting... The first 3 miles was a crazy decent where they banned aero bars because of the grade. Ngl I rode my breaks the whole time. Then there was a flatter section for like 5 miles where I got rolling pretty good. Then there was a 4 miles climb with 1000ft of elevation gain to finish. Forgot to take my Gu despite staring at it taped to my bike the whole ride. The tongue was pushed down on my left shoe after my "flying" mount and since it was a up hill start it was difficult to fix. There was a .5 mile KOM section on the bike that I won across all 3 of the distances (sprint/olympic/half).
