Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:55 PM

21.3 mi


19.06 mi / hr


120 bpm
136 bpm
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Super easy on the kickr. No hip 'pain' but it felt different, almost like it was itchy? No noticeable regression post ride but the real test is tomorrow morning. 185W on ERG

Actions such as walking and raising and lowering my leg involving my hip has been improving over the last 2 weeks. Internal rotation has not improved at all and any slight internal rotation results in a sharp pain and seems like this motion is being blocked. Not sure if this is where the bone is hitting my hip but it feels quite off. To protect against this I have been walking with external rotation of my right leg for ~8 weeks and now I feel like I am stuck like this... will bring this up to PT on Wednesday (yesterdays appointment got canceled last minute)


1x 20 banded glute bridges (just about pain free but a little uncomfy at the top of each rep)

1x 20 dead bugs

1x 20 banded clams
