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9:56 AM

6.3 mi


2.53 mi / hr


75 F
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North Shore

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Day three of the SHT odyssey. Woke up and ONCE AGAIN dried everything out. Was a struggle today since mud got splattered on to the tent from the rain, and lablancs backpack was in a huge puddle. After attempting to dry out everything (to no avail) just scrapped and packed it up.

Ate breakfast with everyone and then we all went on our separate ways (of course after one more poem from bucket hat man). we hiked up to the river again to snag some more water then made our way over to the onion trail head. Figured out our bearings from there then got rolling. Legs were trashed today, just felt like crap and it was pretty tough.

Going up moose mountain was awful, super humid and it was really steep for a bit too. Eventually sweat through both my shorts and shirt so hiked in my boxers hahahah. We stopped and had lunch once moosed flattened out then made our way for the mystery site.

Lablanc started to gap me at mystery going through the switch backs and I was just dead at this point too. Trail was trashed from the rain too, so my feet were also soaked.

Eventually made it to the site and set up shop in a secluded area under a black spruce. The backpacking group from northwestern we were told about eventually ended up camping at our site so we got to share the group with some freshmen haha.

All pretty cool kids, had a good time talking with them and what not, lablanc pretty much fell in love with their counselor too, despite the fact shes probably about 8 years younger than him haha.

We went down to the river too to swim and get water, then came back and ate dinner. ANOTHER storm rolled in and we hunkered down in the tent. This one left early so I went out to try and start the fire again, but just gave up and went to bed around 9 again.
